Nalumos Akong Papa Sa Sabaw, 2023

My Father Drowned In Soup

Written and Directed by JP Corton | 7 mins 

Jelian, a determined young boy from Ormoc City,
embarks on a desperate quest to find his drowning father
hidden within a treacherous sea of soup.

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As short as it was, “Nalumos Akong Papa Sa Sabaw” took all the time it had to impart a memorable experience. Jelian misses his father. When he asks his mother where he is, she tells him he drowned in a bowl of soup. Jelian then embarks on a journey in said bowl of soup. Out of all the films in the selection, “Nalumos Akong Papa Sa Sabaw” exudes the most child-like wonder and imagination. It is certainly drowing in absurdism.

-- CNN Philippines

Pista ng Pelikulang Pilipino SineKabataan 2023

▻ Cinemarehiyon 2024
▻ Cine De Oro Film Festival 2023

▻ Special Jury Prize, PPP SineKabataan 2023

all rights © binisaya movement inc